> And Now For Something Completely Different

Village Idiot

Village Idiot




Monday Morning!

Texas Air

Texas Air

Georgie, boy - we hardly knew ya!



Gateway to China.



Small threat!



Aww - why'd you hafta go and do that for?



Won't we all!

You Are Next!!!

You Are Next!!!

Danger, Will Robinson!!

Bush as 007

Bush as 007

Scary no matter how you look at it!

China's Barriergate

China's Barriergate

Abandon hope all ye who enter here!

Ballycotton, Ireland

Ballycotton, Ireland

The Harbor near where I lived.

Abbie Hoffman Died for Your Sins

Abbie Hoffman Died for Your Sins

Guerilla Theatre at it's finest!





Another example of why animals attack!



Who Knew? Quick - someone tell the republicans so they can add Bert to the list along with Spongebob and the Teletubbies!



I think these guys had a little too much yeast in their beer.

There's a Limit Here, Bud!

There's a Limit Here, Bud!

Man - don't you just wish you could be behind the gun on this puppy when the next asshole cuts you off without a by-your-leave? I knew a man who was so incensed by rude drivers; he mounted a tiny laser on the front of his car. He used to love leaving little designs in bad drivers paint, until nabbed by a very observant cop on an extremely foggy night.

Better Than People!

Better Than People!

Vancouver has quite a sense of humor, wouldn’t you say? Sometimes I think animals have much more sense than people.

The Sano is Where?

The Sano is Where?

I lived in Japan for a good portion of the 1980's. Bathrooms there are quite different than here. But first you have to find one!

This Must be in the South!

This Must be in the South!

Out here, we have some colorfully named roads - like, 'Jot-em-Down', or 'Settin' Down' - lots of recumbent people, I guess! So what if the spelling’s a bit, shall we say, original?

We Have Cows!

We Have Cows!

Great artwork, wouldn't you say? The whole cow motif - I mean, it just speaks volumes, yes?

Yippee Kayee, Motherfucker!

Yippee Kayee, Motherfucker!

All hail the land of Bruce Willis! Strange folk - but they do have a sense of humor!



Well, at least they're optimistic!

And Men Wonder Why Women Live Longer!

And Men Wonder Why Women Live Longer!

Note the bare feet and the water. Yup - this guy's not gonna even make it out the door!

Idiots On Parade

Idiots On Parade

Great idea - uses a blowtorch near a gas tank, while propping your truck up with sticks and a rock. You see - he's not sure whether it’s better to get blown up, or crushed into a neat little pancake. Easy to bury, either way.

Does FUBAR Mean Anything?

Does FUBAR Mean Anything?

It’s the whole Rube Goldberg thing this guy's got going. He really took time to think about this - and that's the scary part!

My Hands Down Favorite

My Hands Down Favorite

This one's the best - the absolute cap! I laughed so damn hard I could hardly sit! It's the expression on idiot boy's face - does the word oblivious come to mind?

Who's Smarter?

Who's Smarter?

Da-dum. Da-dum. Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum.

No Caption Necessary

No Caption Necessary

Look For The Spaceship

Look For The Spaceship

Where's Francois Truffaut when you need him?

Wow - a Hat!

Wow - a Hat!

And you thought mountains didn’t shop at Bergdorf's?



'And another one bites the dust'!



What do you think he will do with it?

OK, Girls - Smile!

OK, Girls - Smile!

It's the chorus line from 'Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You'.

Why Cats Attack

Why Cats Attack

Why Cats Attack Again

Why Cats Attack Again

Why Cats Attack With Malevolence

Why Cats Attack With Malevolence

Why Cats Attack Your Mother

Why Cats Attack Your Mother

Don't Even Think About It!

Don't Even Think About It!