Who Knew? Quick - someone tell the republicans so they can add Bert to the list along with Spongebob and the Teletubbies!
Man - don't you just wish you could be behind the gun on this puppy when the next asshole cuts you off without a by-your-leave? I knew a man who was so incensed by rude drivers; he mounted a tiny laser on the front of his car. He used to love leaving little designs in bad drivers paint, until nabbed by a very observant cop on an extremely foggy night.
Vancouver has quite a sense of humor, wouldn’t you say? Sometimes I think animals have much more sense than people.
I lived in Japan for a good portion of the 1980's. Bathrooms there are quite different than here. But first you have to find one!
Out here, we have some colorfully named roads - like, 'Jot-em-Down', or 'Settin' Down' - lots of recumbent people, I guess! So what if the spelling’s a bit, shall we say, original?
Great artwork, wouldn't you say? The whole cow motif - I mean, it just speaks volumes, yes?
All hail the land of Bruce Willis! Strange folk - but they do have a sense of humor!
Note the bare feet and the water. Yup - this guy's not gonna even make it out the door!
Great idea - uses a blowtorch near a gas tank, while propping your truck up with sticks and a rock. You see - he's not sure whether it’s better to get blown up, or crushed into a neat little pancake. Easy to bury, either way.
It’s the whole Rube Goldberg thing this guy's got going. He really took time to think about this - and that's the scary part!
This one's the best - the absolute cap! I laughed so damn hard I could hardly sit! It's the expression on idiot boy's face - does the word oblivious come to mind?