OK – Now I know this may look a tad familiar to some. But marvelous Lizzy from Nightbirds Fountain was kind enough to tag me - and I wanted very much to participate. My life is actually much more opaque than you may realize. For all that I tell; what I conceal would surprise the hell out of you. So have a gander at my list - and tell me what you think!
1. I used to work in a morgue. I was in charge of all the files and paperwork for both body identification and autopsy info, as well as the drunk tank.
2. I can ride a horse side-saddle (and I can jump hurdles side-saddle too - up to 6 feet. I one entered a competition, coming in second in a field of 10).
3. I have the tattoo of a shamrock on the inside of my leg (Not gonna say exactly where). It was my 25th birthday present to myself. I had the work done in Japan.
4. I helped pay for my undergraduate degree by writing erotica for both Penthouse and Playboy.
5. I have six toes on my left foot. Its congenital – other family members have the anomaly as well. Makes buying shoes a real bitch!
Now – one of the above items is false, but I won’t say which one. I’ll leave it up to you to try and guess!
So – there you are. Now - who to tag? How's about I leave it up to all of you? Frankly - I am interested in everybody; so if you want to participate - please knock yourself out! And, as with all MEME’S – have fun. Remember - it’s a way to promote our sites; and even more importantly - get to know our fellow bloggers.
I don't know which one is untrue, however, number 2 reminded me about a competition in a barrel race from my youth. My horse refused to move very fast. I think she walked most of it. I got all the flags in the barrels, so I got 5th place. There were so many other horses that raced around the barrels. Some knocked down the barrels, and riders sometimes missed getting the flag where they needed to go. I was shocked, surprised and pleased.
Posted by: oldwhitelady | April 22, 2006 at 08:57 AM
I have done five weird things about myself so many times, I could probably win the bloggers weirdness award.
I hope that number 5 isn't true as I would love the other 4 things to be true.
Posted by: pia | April 22, 2006 at 03:44 PM
Number 3.
You are so cool.
Posted by: Lizzy | April 22, 2006 at 06:49 PM
I'm guessing number two is false because that's just not cool enough for you shug. Hope you are all healed up now.
Posted by: Debby | April 22, 2006 at 07:07 PM
I totally have to say #5 does not belong, the other 4 are just so believable!
Posted by: sb_gypsy | April 23, 2006 at 10:23 AM
I'm gonna guess Number 2 also. When do you reveal all?
Posted by: Red State Blues | April 25, 2006 at 12:54 PM
Alicia sent me to your blog -- I'm new to blogging -- anyway, I think it's #2 that's the fib. And I don't know why.
Posted by: DivaJood | April 25, 2006 at 09:40 PM