Oh no, they say he's got to go
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Oh no, there goes Tokyo
Go go Godzilla, yeah
Christmas kitty toys consisted of a miniature Godzilla and plush squishy carrot. Both came filled with catnip, and were an immediate hit amongst the felines here at home. Unfortunately - one of our kitty's thinks he's a raccoon; preferring to wash his food (or toys) before eating. And so we have the demise of Godzilla - courtesy of Weasel, the most perfect cat in the world! (Don't forget - clicking on each picture will open it up!).
Note the tiny tuft of hair on his head? It used to be more pronounced. Weasel cropped it. The reason poor Godzilla looks like he's floating in a bowl of tea, is because he is. Catnip tea, to be precise. The toy came stuffed with it. Not anymore. Godzilla survived his drowning - but the catnip was a complete loss. Shortly after the Godzilla's demise it was time for poor Mr. Carrot.
Notice how Mr. Carrot sopped up all the water in the bowl? I guess Weasel wasn't too thirsty that day. Both water bowls turned into swimming pools for his toys. Ya gotta love that cat. He's nothing if not consistent!
Here we have the horde digging in for their evening repast. Weasel, of course, is separate. He eats with the dogs. Seriously. He thinks he is one. Except regarding his penchant for 'up'. I've never had a cat who enjoyed skybox seats quite so much as this one!
I thought I'd end with the inimitable Inky Dinky Do helping take ornaments off the Christmas tree. He climbed the ladder all by his lonesome - and proceeded in pruning the tree. His favorite ornaments were the crystal grapes and the little red apples. Bear likes to climb ladders too - and wherever Bear goes, Inky follows right behind. Just look at how large Inky has become! Remember when he was no bigger than a minute? Hell - I still remember when we almost lost him - he was so sick. Just look at him now! Chubby tummy, glossy coat - nothing short of perfection. All of life is a blessing - both great and small.
catnip tea. That cat is very proper in the area of tea consumption. Cats are fun. I always enjoyed the ones who like to be above us. Mine used to sit on top of the fridge and look down with great disdain. Made me laugh.
Posted by: Peacechick Mary | January 14, 2007 at 06:07 AM
Oh, poor godzilla, and poor kitties for loosing their drug of choice! (you can always restuff the dried out toys with fresh herb)
Posted by: SB_Gypsy | January 14, 2007 at 08:51 AM
I think Weasel seriously wanted to spike his drinking water. ;-)
They are all so fun and funny. Your last line says it all. (I bet you are a fan of James Herriot's wonderful books.)
Posted by: Ortizzle | January 14, 2007 at 11:07 AM
I planted catnip in my yard a few years back. Now it grows all over the place.
Simba looooves it.
Posted by: Missy | January 14, 2007 at 01:45 PM
This had both my daughter and I laughing. Strange things happen around here, too. We have a little dog, my son's cat, and a rabbit and each and every one has it's own personality. My son's demented cat for instance, killed our toaster several years ago. He used it for a loo. No toast for us! We had to throw it out and buy a new one.
Posted by: Kitchen Window Woman | January 14, 2007 at 04:47 PM
Oh that's very funny! He really peed in the toaster? My god. Aren't critters fun? You know - I've always believed that a house is not a home unless it is filled to overflowing with life - children, critters. I just cannot imagine living with the emptiness some people prefer to the modicum of disorder that comes with having a cat or a dog. So there’s the occasional scratch on the furniture – or you have to vacuum twice a week because of the hair. What if you have a cat that treats the toilet paper like a scratching post? (Pumpkin. We’re praying he grows out of it!). Of course, now - critters are like potato chips. You can't have only one!
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | January 15, 2007 at 02:59 AM
What sweet kitties. I wouldn't appreciate the toys in the water, though. The picture of all the cats eating together is very peaceful. How nice that they get along so well.
Posted by: oldwhitelady | January 15, 2007 at 05:58 PM
They do all get along - for the most part. There are specific friendships and alliances, of course. Inky has this thing for Ginger; one she doesn't reciprocate, unfortunately. He keeps trying to climb up on her back, or cuddle up and knead her side. She doesn't like it, and snaps at him - but not seriously. And he's nothing if not persistent. I'm thinking Inky will win out in the end.
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | January 15, 2007 at 06:18 PM