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I Protest!!! Vigorously!!!!

  • Pink captures President Bush's callous disregard with heart-rending accuracy. This song makes me cry every time I hear it.
  • Jackson Brown's new song is fabulous! Lives in the Balance truly touches on the choices facing America today.
  • An Arlo Guthrie classic! You'd be amazed at how it fits our modern war ethics.
  • Bruce Hornsby's finest. We are treating the Katrina survivors the same way.
  • By Phil Ochs. Not what you'd think. He wrote it following the murder of three civil rights workers in the mid '60's. Still pertinent today, I fear.
  • This one's by Lindsay Buckingham. All hail the 4th estate!
  • Song by the late, great Harry Chapin. It references Vietman, but remains pithy.
  • By Bright Eyes. One of the best protest songs to come along in years.
  • From the musical, 1776.
    Check it out - the reference may be Revolutionary War era, but the sentiment rocks!

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  • Current Threat Level

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January 14, 2007


Peacechick Mary

catnip tea. That cat is very proper in the area of tea consumption. Cats are fun. I always enjoyed the ones who like to be above us. Mine used to sit on top of the fridge and look down with great disdain. Made me laugh.


Oh, poor godzilla, and poor kitties for loosing their drug of choice! (you can always restuff the dried out toys with fresh herb)


I think Weasel seriously wanted to spike his drinking water. ;-)

They are all so fun and funny. Your last line says it all. (I bet you are a fan of James Herriot's wonderful books.)


I planted catnip in my yard a few years back. Now it grows all over the place.
Simba looooves it.

Kitchen Window Woman

This had both my daughter and I laughing. Strange things happen around here, too. We have a little dog, my son's cat, and a rabbit and each and every one has it's own personality. My son's demented cat for instance, killed our toaster several years ago. He used it for a loo. No toast for us! We had to throw it out and buy a new one.

The Fat Lady Sings

Oh that's very funny! He really peed in the toaster? My god. Aren't critters fun? You know - I've always believed that a house is not a home unless it is filled to overflowing with life - children, critters. I just cannot imagine living with the emptiness some people prefer to the modicum of disorder that comes with having a cat or a dog. So there’s the occasional scratch on the furniture – or you have to vacuum twice a week because of the hair. What if you have a cat that treats the toilet paper like a scratching post? (Pumpkin. We’re praying he grows out of it!). Of course, now - critters are like potato chips. You can't have only one!


What sweet kitties. I wouldn't appreciate the toys in the water, though. The picture of all the cats eating together is very peaceful. How nice that they get along so well.

The Fat Lady Sings

They do all get along - for the most part. There are specific friendships and alliances, of course. Inky has this thing for Ginger; one she doesn't reciprocate, unfortunately. He keeps trying to climb up on her back, or cuddle up and knead her side. She doesn't like it, and snaps at him - but not seriously. And he's nothing if not persistent. I'm thinking Inky will win out in the end.

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