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I Protest!!! Vigorously!!!!

  • Pink captures President Bush's callous disregard with heart-rending accuracy. This song makes me cry every time I hear it.
  • Jackson Brown's new song is fabulous! Lives in the Balance truly touches on the choices facing America today.
  • An Arlo Guthrie classic! You'd be amazed at how it fits our modern war ethics.
  • Bruce Hornsby's finest. We are treating the Katrina survivors the same way.
  • By Phil Ochs. Not what you'd think. He wrote it following the murder of three civil rights workers in the mid '60's. Still pertinent today, I fear.
  • This one's by Lindsay Buckingham. All hail the 4th estate!
  • Song by the late, great Harry Chapin. It references Vietman, but remains pithy.
  • By Bright Eyes. One of the best protest songs to come along in years.
  • From the musical, 1776.
    Check it out - the reference may be Revolutionary War era, but the sentiment rocks!

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June 20, 2007



The sounds and sights you've written about can easily be pictured. Sharing it with your child will bring things you wouldn't have noticed before. Wonderful~

The Fat Lady Sings

Beautifully put, my dear. I always felt that the process of discovery would be what I'd want to share most with a child. Plucking a daisy, tasting sour grass for the first time, watching clouds shape and reshape against a cerulean sky. You are indeed blessed to be gifted with that opportunity.


Lovely way of describing a day. You are right about seeing it with your child...and through its eyes. It gains a different perspective every time.

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