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I Protest!!! Vigorously!!!!

  • Pink captures President Bush's callous disregard with heart-rending accuracy. This song makes me cry every time I hear it.
  • Jackson Brown's new song is fabulous! Lives in the Balance truly touches on the choices facing America today.
  • An Arlo Guthrie classic! You'd be amazed at how it fits our modern war ethics.
  • Bruce Hornsby's finest. We are treating the Katrina survivors the same way.
  • By Phil Ochs. Not what you'd think. He wrote it following the murder of three civil rights workers in the mid '60's. Still pertinent today, I fear.
  • This one's by Lindsay Buckingham. All hail the 4th estate!
  • Song by the late, great Harry Chapin. It references Vietman, but remains pithy.
  • By Bright Eyes. One of the best protest songs to come along in years.
  • From the musical, 1776.
    Check it out - the reference may be Revolutionary War era, but the sentiment rocks!

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March 14, 2008



Wow what a great post!

Everything you said is bang on the money, but most couples don't even think of these things when they get married unless like yourself, the health issues are already present.

Damn I admire and respect you.


I remember this from last year and it's still one of the most upsetting things I've ever read. When my wife had breast cancer and when I had open-heart surgery, it was tough on both of us. But it would never, ever, in a million years, have occurred to either of us to abandon the other because "things got ugly." People who do can't legitimately claim to be truly human. Whether you're married or not, you just don't do that to another human being.


This is quite a piece, and I thank you for it. It is a cold shot of reality and what it means to be fully human.

The Fat Lady Sings

Lisa - Experience, my dear. It's an imperfect teacher - but the lesson stays learned.

John - Not meaning to disturb, my friend. It just seemed relevant. Sorry I've been so distant. I haven't forgotten that MEME, you know. Life just sometimes gets in the way.

Jude - Thank you, my dear - but this is one accolade I'd gladly defer.

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