Adam Lambert - Black or White from Pwnoy on Vimeo.
Just a little reminder of the great Freddie Mercury and ‘Queen’. Comparisons are invidious, I know - but you tell me why this was acceptable (and funny) in 1984, and it's not now. Things were better back then, I’m thinking. I met him once, you know (Freddie Mercury). At Narita Airport in Japan. I was crying. He came up and asked if I was OK. No one else even bothered. Freddie was sweet, kind and thoughtful. I understand Sacha Baron Cohen wants to make a Mercury bio-pic. I think Adam Lambert would be a better choice, actually. I doubt Cohen has the vocal range for it. He’d have to lip-sync, and that removes some of the passion in the performance. Mercury was what’s called a countertenor (as is Steve Perry of 'Journey'). Only one voice in a million has that kind of range. Adam’s a countertenor (though they’ve not highlighted that fact on the show) – a rare bird of brilliant plumage. I wish him all the luck in the world. He’s gonna need it.
I don’t know how many of you watch American Idol. I’m usually rather ambivalent actually; but sometimes someone really stands out and captures my attention. Adam Lambert belongs up there with the handful of super talents Idol has produced over the years: Carrie Underwood, Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson. This guy could take over from Freddie Mercury in a heartbeat – sing the whole Queen discography without breaking a sweat - his range is just that fantabulous.
Will he win? Doubtful – and not because he sings old-fashioned, knock you on your ass, demon howl rock-n-roll (a no-no amongst the pop pap usually spun out in Simon Cowell's Idol universe). Adam won’t win because the internet homophobes have decided to trash him. Is he gay? Don’t know. And who gives a fuck in the first place? The man sings like the very devil, he’s easy on the eyes – what more do you want? A little reminder here: David Bowie made a career out of androgyny. Come on – how many of you were hot as hell for Ziggy Stardust? Never dated a guy who wore eyeliner? Honey – you haven’t lived! All that sneering sexuality – hotchacha!! So what happened that changed all that? When did diversity become a dirty word? The same thing that allows the unfettered dissemination of all forms of nastiness these days – vociferous hate has become as American as baseball and apple pie.
Seriously. Go look up Adam on YouTube sometime. Fully ¾ of all commentary is negative referrals to his supposed homosexuality. I mean – these guys don’t even care if it’s true. They’re trashing him anyway. Go read the blogs (or entertainment and gossip websites). It’s all 'hate tha gay' – with some really over the top promises of violence. Just when did that become OK? Shit – it wasn’t this bad thirty years ago – in fact it was better. You didn’t hear this kind of crap outside of a Klan meeting. Have we really regressed that far?
Anyway.....go treat yourself. Catch American Idol over the next few weeks. There’s no telling how long this guy will be on. Maybe America will get over its incipient hate and embrace Adam’s god-given talent; but then you know what they say about wishes and horses.
Talented kid! He'll make it.
Posted by: mandt | March 12, 2009 at 05:35 PM
I LOVE this guy, don't care what he does in his personal life. I would pay money right now to see him in concert and have never said that about any other Idol contestant this early in the contest. I watched him audition and told my husband that I saw the kid that was going to win Idol. His vocal range is rare to find, the only other one I have heard with that kind of range is Ted Neely (Jesus Christ Superstar). It does not matter if the phobes vote him off or not, we will be seeing lots more of him, just to talented to disappear.
Posted by: Brenda Poynor | March 13, 2009 at 04:03 AM
Thank you for telling it like it is. I think Adam is an amazing talent and it just amazes those of us outside of the US that so many Americans are so close-minded and backward in their thinking. Adam will have a stellar international career - the rest of the world doesn't have such a big attitude problem.
Posted by: kiwigirl | March 13, 2009 at 04:31 AM
Holy moly, I agree with you about him singing Freddie Mercury's parts, he's good!
Posted by: Jude | March 13, 2009 at 11:00 AM
I don't like Adam and it has nothing to do with his supposed homosexuality. I have met him before he was "famous" at a party and the way he portrays himself on the show is completely different than the way he is in real life. I can't stand phonies who sell themselves out for a record contract. If he stuck to who he is with the glitter and the wigs I could respect him and he might actually have my vote because he is a very powerful singer, but alas I cannot respect his phoniness.
Oh yeah, and he's a cocky one too. Can't stand cocky.
Posted by: Marie | March 13, 2009 at 10:18 PM
I guess with Adam it really is black or white. Some are gonna love his unique style - while other's will be left cold. Just judge the man on his ability – not by anything else. I can understand not liking his voice - hell - I can understand not liking HIM if you know him. We all have preferences in the kinds of personality that attract us; but choosing to not even listen based on gossip or some other ephemera....well that's bigotry, pure and simple. My beef is with the homophobes. I ‘get’ those who say they just don’t like the way the man sings. Frankly – the number of Idol singers I’ve actually enjoyed listening to (or looking at) can be counted on one hand (Jason Castro being a recent stand-out).
But those people who say they won’t listen because they think he’s gay, or they don’t like that’s he’s done theatre….. Shit! That’s like saying you won’t listen because someone’s black, or short, or handicapped. I give everyone a chance. Music is as individual as is each one of us. We are all drawn to certain sounds. I’ve always gravitated towards music written in a minor key. Perhaps it’s because that’s the kind I prefer to sing (I paid for some of my college doing gigs in nightclubs) – or it might be that I’m Irish – and music with a mournful air vibrates my soul at just the right pitch. Who knows? There’s no right or wrong when it comes to art. You love that which makes you feel the most….something: Erté, Miro, Giger….. Look, listen, feel.
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | March 15, 2009 at 05:42 AM
Do you not realize that, he was a theater performer!? Lots of artistic people wear camp costumes at parties and shows. The stuff you see him wear on Idol is really his daily street wear. Adam is possibly one of the sweetest and most humble people I've ever known. While he may go all out and like to have fun, I'm going to consider your judgemental comments to be quite disgraceful. Judge away but YOU are the real douche.
Posted by: Gene | March 16, 2009 at 03:09 AM
I'm rather looking forward to this weeks foray into Grand Old Opry territory. It will be interesting to see what Adam comes up with. My suggestion would be to change things up a bit: pick a ballad - or better yet - turn something that might not be considered necessarily balletic into one. Example: Stevie Nicks has two versions of her signature song "Rhiannon" – the second very slow and dream-like (at least it begins that way). I prefer the second, actually (I used to sing it that way myself). It focuses attention on the lyric rather than the beat.
Look: I used to make my living in professional theatre. First as an actor (singer/dancer) - then as both director and teacher (Artistic Director of my own company in Chicago with an attached Theatre School). I taught master classes in interpretation; how to un-layer the emotional onion, so to speak. Actors would come to me when they had important auditions, or simply needed to keep their instrument sharp. Point being – I have lots of experience in how to approach a role. And that’s part and parcel of what those contestants are doing, you know. Besides singing for their supper – they are creating a character for people to judge (look – the edgy rocker!). Simon, Paula and the rest – they’re like directors trying to force their own individual spin on a character. It’s a trap young, hubristic (or very bad) director’s often fall into – insisting on forcing that square peg into a very round hole.
What I’m getting at is character management. Idol contestants cannot cede interpretation solely to the judges or they’ll lose. That’s what happened to Jorge Nuñez. He would have gone far singing in his native Spanish – but he allowed the judges to homogenize him (lose that accent!). Now – had he sung that Michael Jackson oater in Spanish – he might be appearing next week, and Anoop would have been the one who went home. It’s a delicate line. Listen to everything they have to say – but in the end, dance with the talent that brung ya. How does this apply to Adam? Show what that fabulous range can do. Now’s the time to change it up a tad. He’s proven he can howl and strut with the best of them. So this week, sit on a stool, cradle the microphone, and tear the heart out of his audience. Only my two cents, mind you….but Adam - now’s the time to show a little diversity.
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | March 16, 2009 at 03:53 AM
I totally agree with your article. Adam is a rockstar, he's already an idol to me. I hope to see him go all the way to the top in his career and wish him the best in his personal life. We do need to learn how to coexist!
Posted by: adam fan | March 22, 2009 at 12:15 AM
I hope that you're wrong. I hope the world can embrace Adam's talent. The man is a genius!
Posted by: Denise | March 28, 2009 at 09:01 PM
The backward idiots who seem to comprise the "majority" in the United States may not embrace Adam, but I am assured by other voices that Adam Lambert has gone Global, and I couldn't be happier if he was my own son. I am 60 years old, and I wrote my first fan letter after the 04/29 results show since I wrote Paul McCartney in 1964. Thank you for your lovely article and all the wonderful comments.
Posted by: Chris | May 01, 2009 at 12:34 PM
Thank you to everyone for such thoughtful comments. I agree with all here. Adam is QUITE amazing – a unique and brilliant performer. That’s why I was flabbergasted at last Wednesday's results show. In what universe could someone with Adam's talent be relegated to the bottom of the pile? It's inconceivable. Not to diss any of the remaining singers (they are all quite good in their own way) - but none posses Adam's innate showmanship (not to mention his god-given vocal abilities). I was so afraid this would happen - that people would judge Adam on who they thought he was, rather than what they saw and heard up on the Idol stage. We are all more than the sum of our ‘parts’ – if you know what I mean. So here’s hoping this was a glitch – one not to be repeated!
One other observation: Adam has mentioned on more than one occasion how sensitive he is to criticism. He said that was why he waited so long to try out for Idol. He didn’t know if he was strong enough to handle the criticism and rejection. Now, I know that sounds strange from someone who makes his living performing on the stage – but I do understand. I began doing professional theatre at age 11 – making it my career for more than thirty years. Though I learned to handle the constant rejection – it always hurt (how many times CAN you be told you’re too tall before you begin to see yourself as the Jolly Green Giant?). Adam looked devastated. My heart really went out to him. I knew exactly how he felt. Let us all hope this doesn’t make him question his approach. I want my Glambert back in all his hip swiveling, lip curling, Ring of Fire glory!
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | May 01, 2009 at 04:08 PM
I have no singing expertise, but it's been a pleasure to hear someone so well trained and accomplished on Idol, (of all places). I enjoyed the show in the past, but never without the feeling that a classically trained Indian singer could sing circles around those guys. Not with Lambert.
I don't exactly insist on RoF Lambert, though. I think the dude wants to win, and am fully behind any artistic steps he chooses to take to do so.
By the way, we must have been seperated at birth or something, rara avis was the exact term that leaped to my mind when I saw him.
Posted by: Maree | May 01, 2009 at 06:01 PM
Indian singers (and dancers) are truly wonderful, Maree. It's an art form I wish had more representation in American culture.
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | May 01, 2009 at 06:16 PM
adam is amazing and he stole my heart. I just can't quit thinking cabout him and watching all the videos of him. he has the complete package. If you don"t like him you have to be blind,hard hearing or jealous, that's all I can say. He is the next king of pop!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: linda kroll | August 23, 2009 at 06:13 PM
Looking back in hindsight now. You were right he did not win and homophobia won the day. All the press focused on was his sexuality while he was on Idol. No over a year later he has the last laugh. No one knows who actually won and Adam has more or less been appointed the winner. He has far out sold the lackluster winner and he's becoming a huge international success.
Posted by: Linda | December 05, 2010 at 06:57 PM
Sorry I have to say this, but I don't think at all that Freddie was a countertenor.. A countertenor is a man who sings in a female range with falsetto or, less frequently, modal voice, isn't it?
No doubt they can hit very high notes, but they are not countertenors. Freddie was a baritone and Adam's a tenor. No idea what u mean with countertenor.
Posted by: Kaus | June 30, 2012 at 03:44 PM
Adam Lambert is just the best male singer ever! He is the whole package, a mix of exquisite voice and he is drop dead gorgeous. He has such charisma and stage presence. He is also very sweet. He will become a great star and no one can out sing him. I wish him all of the best always.
Posted by: Luz | November 12, 2012 at 12:58 AM
The first time I saw Adam in Idol I thought he was the child of Elvis Presley and I know Elvis did not have male children. That hair, those blue eyes, the height and most of all the charisma and drop dead looks.His voice is out of this world great. He has a charming personality and can carry an interesting conversation. What else can I say about him except that he is the best male singer?
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