It seems rabbits aren’t the only disapproving creatures in the universe. These baby birds look mighty pissed at something, if you ask me – especially Mr. Hunchback over there on the left. I have no earthly idea why they disapprove so mightily (or at what). Mommy and daddy bird provide loads of nice crunchy buggies (wasps seem to be especially tasty). Even the accommodations could be considered roomy (for five baby birdlets, that is). So what’s the beef?
Every spring I am treated to swallows nesting in my porch eaves. They are always welcome - disapproving or not!
Maybe they've got a cell phone with a constant news feed on it up there. :-)
Posted by: Lilo | June 01, 2009 at 12:09 PM
Oh who the fuck knows! They just look so pissed! I went out to say hello, as I do every day - and as I walked by - that fat one on the end gave me such a look! Like I was personally invading his space or something. I apologized and went back inside!
Cute little buggers though - aren't they? ;)
Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings | June 01, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Well how DARE you invade their space FL?!! *chuckle*
Those are great shots, they sure brought a smile to my face!
Posted by: Jude | June 03, 2009 at 09:34 AM
Oh, they're not disapproving that's just the new Goth look for Swallows.
Posted by: mandt | June 08, 2009 at 04:47 PM